Mon 27 Jan
O __U__T__C ___A___L___L_* ==* ( (_* *160 * * $_) ) _*S___P___E __C__! __A__ L_ - 21
18 Year Old Blonde College Student, Non Pro Trying to Make Some Money Fast, Very Sweet - 18
: * B L O N D E: . : * . B E A U T Y : * . O F : * . Y O U R : * . D R E A M S : * - 22
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
Evening Specials..... Call me I'm waiting... - 24
(Ashtabula, Chillicothe, Cleveland, Toledo, Youngstown)
visiting bianca hot 25y/o brunette &arina; a hot curvy arabic & heather a hot curvycougar - 36
(Toledo, miami & i-75 toledo ohio incall/outcall)
*•-:¦:-•* §w€€† A§ H€Av€n * Bu† NaUgH†Y A§ H€LL *•-:¦:-• Up Waiting For You *•-:¦:-• - 25
(Toledo, toledo all surrounding areas)
I'm Your One Way Ticket To The Rebellious Side!!! I Promise You Won't Buy a Ticket Back!! - 45
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
{{ VIP TReATMeNT }}---- ______ *BLONDE* ______ *SMOKIN HOTT* _____ *100%REAL ✰ - 23
(Toledo, ☎ ToLeDo ☎)
Fri 10 Jan
friends for free! 100% free sign up!
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
))))) SpEciaLs FoR YoU~ StEaMiNg HoT LiLy (((( Ask About My 2GirL Special - 32
💓💋💋💋💋💓 💓💓✨ Pleasure ✨Princess ✨419 908 ✨ 1908 💘 Pics💘 Well 💘 REVIEWED 💘💘💋💋💋💋💋💓💓💓👍👍 - 25
(Toledo, west side incalls....outcalls also)
🎁🎉Party girl👠👣Fetish Friendly🌺In Town With A Desire To Satisfy You To The Fullest 💋 ★Luscious - 24
(Cleveland, Incall & outcalls)
~~~~~THIS IS YOUR MYSTERY GIRL~~~~~ come see what your missing out~~~~~ - 23
(Toledo, Toledo, westend near Michigan)
NEW!!! ★1OOO% REAL★ GORGEOUS ★ —————Pretty Face ————— Perfect Body ————— ★ - 22
(Toledo, Toledo/Telegraph)
Look At Me !!! Soft Booty 60hh Special- Discreet *4197877692* 35 - 34
(Toledo, Toledo alexis and jackman)
}{sensual,sexy,& seductive. temptress w/angel-like qualities}{ - 30
(Toledo, Toledo-Alexis & Douglas & surrounding ar)
Thu 09 Jan
Hey guys best around , please call if serious, catch me before i go out of town! - 21
(Toledo, toledo, maumee area)
*$pecials Available NOW! ~$exy n $eductive * $inful n $weet ~ $atisfaction Guaranteed * - 26
(Toledo, SOUTH)
( * PSST ! ) ~♥~ HEY BOYS...TRY ME ! ~♥~ ---->( S E X Y ) BRUNETTE HOTTiE
(Toledo, ~♥~ Toledo ~♥~ 24-7 ~♥)
💞💞💖💖💝2 girl specials all night get treated like the king you are !!! 💝💖💖💞💞 - 29
(Toledo, toledo and surrounding in/out calls)
~~38 F's specials- mom is no longer working due to her getting bad reveiws~~ - 24
(Toledo, monroe mi- I-75)
WEDNESDAY~ WEDNESDAY~ meet with a cute Little Blonde with CLASS & AZZ! specials START AT 80!! - 26
(Toledo, west Toledo - in calls ONLY)
♡looking for a unforgettable time with a sexy women~~available 24/7 Specials ♡ - 25
(Toledo, toledo and surrounding areas)
im bored and looking for fun. can you think of anything exciting?
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
I know just how you want it★ $ERIOU$ Require$ Only ★ 419/810/6647 - 20
(Toledo, INCALL ONLY West Toledo Area (inner city)
NEW SPECIAL RATES *~EsCaPe the SnoW & waRm up with Me~* - 25
(Toledo, Easy access to 23/475 & 80/90)
Wed 08 Jan
→NeW pIcS←♥CoMe PlAy In My WaTeRfAlL♥ ¤¤JuICy & ReAdY¤¤♥ ¤¤CeRtIfIeD fReAk¤¤ ♡lAtInA mAmAcItA♡ - 24
(Cleveland, Airport area 24h incall)
***HeY FeLlAs***YeA YoU,iM HeRe To oFfEr yOu a wOnDeRfUl eXpErIeNcE,dOnT MiSs oUt!!! - 27
(Toledo, toledo and surrounding areas)
*Mz.. JuIcY** new To bp..TIrEd oF tHe ResT ..try the best - 20
(Toledo, Heatherdowns .. Incall only!!)
**HOT and Tempting little BLONDE that will make your toes curl! SUNDAY SPECIAL**60** - 26
(Toledo, sorry out of town)
Tue 07 Jan